食品,百貨Coffee, Tea & Beverages飲料水果汁-Dynamic Health Laboratories, 女士選擇! 諾麗果汁配方,32盎司(946毫升)

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  • Enriched with Pomegranate Juice
  • BPA Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Where Health & Flavor Meet!
  • 床的世界
  • Liquid Dietary Supplement
  • Vegetarian
Fortified with:

  • Calcium & black cohosh
  • Vitamin C, D, E
  • Chastetree berry
  • 髮旺旺
  • Red clover & dandelion
Women's Choice! Noni Juice

The fruit of the Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Plant has been treasured for hundreds of years by the native peoples inhabiting the exotic islands of Tahiti, the South Pacific and select Tropical Regions. The warm, tropical climate and nutrient rich soil guarantee nearly perfect conditions for these plants to blossom. Noni has been used traditionally to help promote healthy living.

Dynamic Health's Women's Choice! Noni Juice Formula is Fortified With:

Pomegranate Juice Concentrate is a natural source of ellagic acid and antioxidants, which are traditionally used to scavenge free radicals and are known for their antiaging properties.

Coral Calcium (Contains Trace Minerals) and Vitamin D which are traditionally used to help support healthy bone structure.

Black Cohosh, Red Clover, Chastetree Berry and Dandelion which are traditionally used during menopause to promote well being.

Saw Palmetto is traditionally used to help to boost and maintain energy levels.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E may help maintain skin elasticity and promote healthy living.

Noni is natural source 髮旺旺o髮旺旺f Proxeroxine and Scopoletin.

Dynamic Health Laboratories, 女士選擇! 諾麗果汁配方,32盎司(946毫升)






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